
Friday, April 4, 2014

Gasket in a tube Blue tests.. Supercharged Indian

Re: the reason for using Ultra Grey Permatex for 'glue'-ing in the tubes.
Some of you might find this infotaining:
A couple of years ago I did this highy scientific test:
6 different brands of liquid gasket / silicone RTV
(including some other stuff from Honda, Hylomar, Permatex and Loctite I've used before)
Put it on some rather slippery plastic to see how well it 'glue's on to that
and on an old outer cover and laid washers on it
to see which one 'glue's the best, when I ripped off the washers after 24 hours:

( I do understand that they have different qualities; 
some are supposed to 'cure' like silicone,
others will remain 'sticky'. )
Here's the result:
Test one: press a finger firmly down on the gasket and move finger to the right
(to test adhesion when used between two surfaces that flex/move/expand)
Surface is VERY smooth/slippery plastic

Upper row:
Honda Liquid Gasket 1216 (not Hondabond)---> wouldn't break loose (but using fingernails it came off quite easily)
Blue Hylomar ---> sticks on, no matter what I did (but being a non-curing type it did of cause change 'shape')
Permatex Ultra Blue ---> broke loose

Lower row:

Loctite 5926 Blue (silicone-based) ---> sticks VERY well. Didn't brake loose (but disintegrated within it own 'body' when using blunt force)
Permatex  Ultra Grey ---> broke loose
Non-brand 'blue universal'---> acted the same as Blue Hylomar

Test 2.: grab the washer and pull. To test adhesion metal to metal.

Upper row:
Honda Liquid Gasket 1216 --->took some force to break loose. Never let go of metal but 'broke' within it's own 'body'
Blue Hylomar ---> just 'squashed' loose . Gasket-material however still present ON the metal.
Permatex Ultra Blue ---> couldn't get it off using my fingers. VERY strong adhesion

Lower row:
Loctite 5926 Blue (silicone-based) ---> broke off easily. Did NOT glue on to the surface. Just snapped off.
Permatex  Ultra Grey ---> couldn't get it off using my fingers. VERY strong adhesion
Non-brand 'blue universal'---> acted the same as Blue Hylomar

INDIAN 741 Supercharged...See you in 2011: