vjmcnebraska : VJMC Nebraska Chapter & AMOB This Discussion Group is for sharing information regarding vintage motorcycles (generally earlier than 1985)and for discussions about activities and ideas for the VJMC Nebraska Chapter motorcycle club established in 2004. AMOB (All Makes Old Bikes) is also part of this group. Please join our discussion group: it's mainly for anyone who loves older motorcycles and resides in Nebraska,or western Iowa. Membership to the VJMC is $10.00 per calendar year. Anytime you join, you pay the full $10.00 (Cheap!). You must be approved to join. Spammers will not be approved. The list manager reserves the right to delete any member of this forum if their posts are inappropriate or offensive or could be construed as supporting any illegal activities. The list manager will report potential offenses to the VJMC Nebraska Chapter President for advice and action. Our website is at http://www.vjmc.us We have various activities, including picnics, group restoration work on a project bike, special rides, and regular monthly meetings (usually the first Sunday of each month). The website has contact info if you want to join our Chapter. Our chapter is part of the National VJMC (Vintage Japanese Motorcycle Club). ![]() --- Metricfest 2012 at Dillon Brothers in Omaha: Info |