
Tuesday, July 16, 2019

New Dual Sport Motorcycles to Consider for Purchase

New Dual Sport Motorcycles to Consider

Here's my basic account of new Dual Sport bikes to consider...


2019 KTM 690 ENDURO R

Top Pick and best of both worlds Enduro/Adventure: KTM 690 Enduro R.
Just three pounds heavier than a stock DRZ 400 (322lbs) and twice the Horsepower (uncorked 74hp)

If a new 2019 could be had with the KTM employee program it would have been a no question purchase. They are slightly larger and heavier than my 500 EXC-F but you can actually highway with these. Quick shifter, Dirt and Street traction control, ABS, way too many cool things. Including passenger pegs, which mine does not have.


KTM 500 EXC-F.

Pure dirt bike with a plate. Uncorked 50+hp and just 234lbs Rips, snorts, breathes fire. Can do but does not like the highway


Honda's Answer to the KTM: CRF450L

Completely brand new model for 2019. Think my bike but more Honda-ish. Not quite as hard edged but every bit of a badass too. Very much a well rounded motorcycle coupled with Honda rideability and reliability.


Best of the Old Guard: DRZ400s (not the SM that's Super Moto. E model is strictly dirt, no plate)

Reigning Dual Sport champ since 2000.
It's a little dated and a little heavy by todays standards but tried, tested, and proven awesome.

King of the Air Cooled Old Guard: XR650L

It's old, it's heavy, it's not as powerful as the others... It's still a fun bike and will also get you anywhere in the world reliably. They are still excavating used parts from the Giza pyramids so if you need parts in the desert you can find them.

King of the Oil Cooled Old Guard: DR650s

It's everything that the XR650L is but a Suzuki with oil cooled heads.

Older bikes for used considerations:

DR350SE (1994+ Electric Start)
Later Model KTM LC4 engine bikes (2002 and newer)
This should refresh your Dual Sport knowledge and inform an purchase.
There are a billion other options but again I cannot suggest enough that a dirt bike with a plate is the best investment you can make. Especially since dualsport and adventure riding is only going to get more popular.

If you're still shopping and not out at your dealership negotiating ridiculously low payments for a crazy amazing new motorcycle start your search here in the "Dual Sport Column": BIKEFINDS.COM

Shopping local in Omaha? (You can always change the city and your side bar options):

Good luck in finding the one you want... Now, go ride.

And the KLX 650... Because Kawasaki and the Baja Boat Virus Graphics.

Easy Link to share this article:

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

If you fall, I'll be there... Dirt

I'd like to give credit for the image and quote but I have no idea where they came from...

Thursday, May 23, 2019

The problem with Nebraska is that farmers own all the land. Unless you know someone who is willing to let you ride on their land you're pretty much hosed for real dirt riding. Doubly so if your bike isn't a dual sport. Move to Arizona or California if you're serious. Colorado is an OK compromise but it's just that... Anyhow, It's a three or four hour drive in any direction for any sort of public riding. The Headworks OHV park and River Valley OHV (South O Bridge) are both closed indefinitely. There are more than a few private tracks and trails but riding without trailering in the immediate area without networking is down to Exploration or Hooliganism. I suggest the former as it the adult option involving more respect and responsibility with less d-bag-ness.
Image result for 2019  ktm 500excImage result for drz400Related image

Networking on community venues and dealerships/shops will open many options too.
Dillon Brothers, Edwards, Star City, Etc
In closing: I have several dirt/dual-sport bikes and I almost always end up loading a couple (plated or otherwise) in my truck and driving for hours if I want to spend a full day riding dirt.
[Missouri, Kansas, Iowa, Colorado, et al.. Literally every state bordering us has great options. The only respectable OHV Parks in NE are a minimum 3.5 hours out and at least one is nearly all sand trails so choose carefully.]

Abbott is in Lincoln, so about 1 hr. away.

There's one in Council Bluffs but it's closed due to the March flood.
level 1 is the best source for OHV trails.

The one up in Mapleton, IA looks pretty cool, but I think the membership price was quite steep.
level 1
1 pointΒ·1 hour ago
South Omaha bridge

KTM 500 EXC - Don't Follow Me

Friday, September 28, 2018

Warp 9 wheels for a DRZ400 for Sale

Warp 9 wheels for a DRZ400

(Wheels only, bike not included)
Make offer. CASH ONLY. No Trades. Great Condition
Spacers and Brake Adapter included
Tires are rideable but will need replaced


Thursday, September 27, 2018

CRF 250L - 2015 Honda Dual Sport - 2800 miles - MANY MANY EXTRAS - Omaha, NE

CRF 250L - 2015 Honda DualSport - 2800 miles - MANY MANY EXTRAS - Omaha, NE

Honda CRF250L - Many extras - Adult Mechanic Owned, Ridden, and Maintained
2800 miles give or take (5% Difference in gear ratio means actual miles would be around 2660mi) 
Basic wear, Much care. I love this bike but it's time for me to upgrade.
So many extras... 

Protaper cr high bend bars
Q4 megabomb full exhaust
Fender Eliminator
1/4 turn throttle
Braided steel front brake line
Uni Airbox Filter Plug Mod
ProComp Dual Stage Uni [Air] Filter
CRFOnly Radiator Guard
Krieger Manual Cam Chain Tensioner
Hand guards
Adjustable levers
Pillow top grips
IRC Tr8 tires (50%)
Motion Pro Rim Locks
13/43 [steel front / hardened aluminum rear] sprockets
MSR folding shift lever
Moose skid plate
Battery Tender Lead
and more...
I haven't messed with the suspension except to turn up the preload on the rear shock.
As is. I will entertain serious offers.

Honda Tech [full color] Service Manual 
CBR250 38mm Throttle Body
Barnett Clutch Springs
... more
Full disclosure: The piece of tape on the seat is covering a hole put there by a friend... Beyond that, ask me anything else, I won't hold back.

Clear title. Face to Face cash only on the spot transaction. NO TRADES. NO BS. 
If you've made it this far here's pretty much every ride of consequence this bike has ever been on and them some:

Monday, July 30, 2018

Harley Model Announcement and the FXDR 'Easter Egg'

Harley-Davidson Has Revealed Model Plans for the Future

The Motor Company kept a lid on a lot of details but that's ok. This thing is bad ass.

 It's so good to see a VR1000 as inspiration at the drawing board..


 Yes, Harley-Davidson uses 3D printing to prototype their bikes...



 Here comes the really interesting Harley 'roadmap' photos...

YES!!! Who can't want more of this...
Well, maybe not as many scooters. Real bikes yes, Scooters less.


This is the best part of the announcement video though... Disclaimer: I love my HD's and the history but this is going too far not to point out...
Look, no AMF.. WAIT...
NO HONDA. I mean no Honda.
Taking straight aim at the Grom crowd. They try to claim the (1961) Honda Monkey heritage as their own. Showing a 1974 Aermacchi AMF Harley Davidson X-90 (yes 13 year newer and a total turd). Remember this as you get 38 seconds into the video below where W.G. is wearing a shirt with AMD X'd out, denouncing the manufacture of the turd mini bike they tout later in the same video. Lets not even talk about the rest of the era... But I digress.

This looks promising:


They show it several times but it's not like the rest. They even tease it just before the Livewire to confuse the viewer.

There's an exhaust on the right so not electric... Said pipe is down low and it has a narrow front tire so it can't be the tracker Harley above. They actually give it away at the end of the video with the onboard footage.. It's an FXDR. Look just above the ignition.

What is an FXD-R? 

I don't know what FXDR means but suffice to say that it's probably a Milwaukee 8 Softail 'Dyna Replacement' since it's an FXD. Maybe it's a hybrid of some sort grown in a vat over the last year... Kill the Dyna for a year then bring it back re-designed. Sound familiar to any of my Road Glide friends?

Official Video: